Hon. Dwayne S. Seymour, JP, MP


Hon. Dwayne S. Seymour, JP, MP


Minister of Border Control & Labour and Culture

Electoral District:

Elected Member for Bodden Town East 


Dwayne “John John” Seymour is a son of the soil, who grew up in Gun Square, central Bodden Town. 

Hon. Seymour began working at the age of seven and his values of hard work and dedication to the community developed from those early years. 

Since then, he has devoted his life to serving the community, with a particular focus on the Islands’ youth. He has been involved with Bodden Town Football Club for some 30 years, as manager, coach, captain and vice president. He also served as deputy chairman on the Bodden Town Heritage Pirates Week committee. In 2009 Mr. Seymour served as chairman of the youth parliament, for which he historically led the sessions annually for four consecutive years. He also staged the programme for up-and-coming musicians called “Xposure”, to hone the talents of rising stars.  

Hon. Seymour has 32 years of experience in the aviation industry, including airline security. He was the Cayman Airways regional and international airport manager, and also served as the project manager for customer service development and training. He is a certified level 5 security trainer and an aviation security consultant, and is IATA certified. Mr. Seymour has been a businessman for the last 17 years. 

He has served on a number of boards, including the Prisons Inspection Board, Airport Operators Committee, Security Companies Accreditation Steering Group, Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Immigration Board, the Health Insurance Commission, and the Chamber of Commerce Expo Board. 

Hon. Seymour is the elected representative for Bodden Town East. He has previously served as a Minister for Community Affairs, Gender and Housing; Minister of Health, Environment, Culture and Housing; and as Deputy Speaker, and Parliamentary Secretary for Housing, Transport and Labour. Hon. Seymour served as the Minister of Border Control and Labour until his resignation from the Government in September 2023, and he now serves as an Independent Opposition Member.

Hon. Seymour is married and has six children. He is a member of the Webster Memorial United Church in Bodden Town. He enjoys sports and world news.